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ANT Foundation
Assistenza Nazionale Tumori

The ANT Foundation is one of the largest organisations in the field of home support for cancer patients in Europe. From 1978, year of its constitution, the no profit foundation assisted about 120.000 patients in Italy.  ANT operates within the fields of medical and social homecare assistance, cancer prevention, pain management, training, scientific and ethics research. It is a no profit organisation made up of a broad base of volunteers (2.147 in 2016) and a pool of professionals (354 in 2016), who provide free home care service, 24 hours per day.  ANT has several projects of training for professionals, but also for caregivers and volunteers assisting cancer patients; due to its organisation, it is a point of contact between specialists, who have a scientific culture and research background, and the general public (patients, family of patient’s, volunteers, caregivers, citizens).



The Team

Dr. Melania Raccichini

Psychologist - Psychology Unit and Development Department 

Dr. Luca Franchini

Psychologist - Psychology Unit and Development Department

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Dr Raffaella Pannuti

ANT Foundation President

Dr Silvia Varani

Head Psychology Unit and Development Department

Dr Maria Rita Tattini

Head of Communication Department