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In moving towards Open Science, training plays a crucial role in advancing the skills of the multiplicators who practice and make Open Science a reality. The trainings in Open Science and RRI carried out by the ORION project targeted primarily researchers (PhD students and postdocs) and secondarily research managers, researcher funders and project coordinators. The aim of the ORION trainings were to raise awareness about the topic of Open Science and establish the necessity and benefits of a transparent and accessible research cycle. In total we delivered 40 online and offline Open Science trainings in 15 countries and reached over 500 people. Additionally, the ORION Open Science Podcast produced 44 episodes on topics ranging from Open Science career pathways to pre-prints and public engagement, to date with over 7.000 downloads by an audience from all over the world. We concluded the work, by organizing a train-the-trainer workshop in 2020, to further the reach. All our resources are published under creative commons licences and are stored in publicly accessible databases as Zenodo (training materials) and the Open Learn Create platform (MOOC).

