At the heart of the ORION project are the open “co-creation” experiments that engage multiple stakeholders to explore different ways to make scientific research more participatory. The goal of the new participatory approach, coined as Open Science, is to align the whole research process with the values, needs and expectations of society. One specific objective of Open Science is to ensure good governance of research, referred to as Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).
For science to be truly open, responsible and responsive to societal needs, multiple stakeholders must be engaged at all points of the research lifecycle; from conception of a novel research project, through funding selection and resourcing, to dissemination of research findings and use of those findings within society, which in turn informs future funding calls.
All of ORION’s partners and several associated partners are involved in the design and implementation of the co-creation experiments, trialling new methods for embedding Open Science and RRI principles in research and funding organisations.
For more inspiration on co-creation methods please have a look at our co-creation menu. The tool was designed to provide support and ideas to ORION partners and the wider community in facilitating co-creation experiments. The menu builds upon the Action Catalogue of Engage2020, an EU project seeking to engage society in Horizon 2020.
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