
D2.1 Scheme for data collection
Deliverable D2.1. includes information on the scheme to collect existing data that are relevant for 2 project tasks, one related to self-assessment among the participating RFPOs and the other to map current areas of interest regarding Open Science and RRI principles available in academic literature and performing a public surveys...
D2.2 Questionnaire for self-assessment on Open Science
In order to help other Research Funding and Performing Organizations (RFPOs) who are interested in carrying out self-assessment on Open Science, we are making the questionnaire used in the large-scale quantitative analysis available.
D2.3 Public attitudes to life sciences research in six European countries
Our survey "Public attitudes to life sciences research in six European countries" shows that interest in life sciences research is generally high among citizens and that the three most accepted purposes of using genome editing are related to the medical field. 6000 persons were interviewed in this pan-European study which...

D3.1 Menu of co-creation methods
The menu of co-creation tools was designed to provide support and ideas to ORION partners and the wider community in facilitating co-creation experiments. It was developed through desk research and consultation with research funding and performing organisations already participating or hosting co-creation experiments.

D3.10 Multi-stakeholders Citizen Science project
Two citizens science proposals were granted 50.000 EUR within the remit of ORION WP3 on open experiments to develop life sciences research projects involving public participants’ expertise. "Science that makes me move" (SMOVE) by scientists at MDC, Berlin, is an epidemiological study involving school students’ in assessing physical activity and sedentary behaviour in order to identify related lifestyle and environmental factors. Genigma by scientists at CRG, Barcelona, is a smartphone game for assembling 3D cancer genomes in a crowdsourced manner.

D3.11 Report on the implementation of novel co-creation initiatives
One of the objectives with ORION was to support making research funding and performing institutions more permeable to Responsible Research and Innovation principles by encouraging collaboration of ORION partners with stakeholders in the quadruple helix through co-creation approaches. Two projects have been supported; “Virtual Activity Co-Creation Initiative for Novel Engagement” (VACCINE), an online game to engage young members of the public with the science behind infections, immunity and vaccinations, and the project; “Melting Pot for ICT in Health Research” (MELTIC), a collaboration of small isolated communities in Europe to co-create new ideas for ICT in health research and the use of public spaces.

D3.5 Specification of new pilot funding calls
The aim of sub-task 3.2.1 was to develop new and revised approaches to research funding. The two research funding partners in ORION, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ISCIII, Spain, and the South Moravian Center for International Mobility, JCMM, Czech Republic, worked together and took complementary approaches to explore integration of RRI principles in funding processes, co-creating funding calls with multiple stakeholders, thus ‘opening-up’ the research funding engine. ISCIII designed the RRI Health Awards to reward those institutions that implement the RRI dimensions in their institutions, and JCMM designed and ran a student competition on Open Science projects for the Brno universities.

D3.6 Selected New Co-creation Initiatives
Supporting Novel Co-creation Initiatives (ORION task 3.5, D3.11 Report on the implementation of novel co-creation initiatives) sought to support making research funding and performing institutions more permeable to Responsible Research and Innovation principles by encouraging collaboration of Core and Associated ORION partners with stakeholders in the quadruple helix. This report summarises the learnings during the first two phases of this task: the design and dissemination of the funding call; and the evaluation and selection of successful proposals.

D3.7 Implementation of the public dialogue to inform CRG's research strategy
As part of the ORION project, the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)conducted a public dialogue exercise to gather opinions from civil society and strategic stakeholders to explore how to take them into account for the development of the next CRG strategic plan for the period 2021-2024, so to align the plan with society’s views, values and expectations. Internally, the aim of this exercise was also to promote a cultural change in the perception of Open Science throughout the CRG community. The public dialogue took place during the months of October and November 2020 and was held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This dialogue has served as an instrument to support and encourage the ORION overarching goal: to embed Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) principles in research funding and performing organisations (RFPOs).

D3.8 Implementation of Public Dialogues on Disruptive Technologies
As part of the ORION project, four partners conducted a public dialogue to investigate public opinions on genome editing technology and its implications for biosciences research. The public dialogues took place late 2019 and early 2020 in four European countries: the UK, Czech Republic, Germany and Sweden. These dialogues have served as an instrument to support and encourage ORION overarching goal: embedding Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) principles in research funding and performing organisations (RFPOs).