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The ORION project seeks to promote institutional change in life science research performing and research funding organisations by performing co-creation experiments in three specific areas where stakeholders do not already frequently collaborate; (i) Research strategy and funding, (ii) identifying risks and opportunities presented by disruptive technologies and (iii) citizen science in fundamental research. The menu of co-creation tools was designed to provide support and ideas to ORION partners and the wider community in facilitating co-creation experiments. 

This menu was developed through desk research and consultation with research funding and performing organisations already participating or hosting co-creation experiments. The menu builds upon the Action Catalogue of Engage2020, an EU project seeking to engage society in Horizon 2020. The Action Catalogue is a dynamic selection tool containing an exhaustive collection of methods to engage different audiences with science and research. Our co-creation menu contains only those methods that enable bidirectional participation. The menu contains 31 methods sorted according to the level of participation required by the different interest groups.

To make your choice from the menu, please see here.

