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The ORION partner Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ISCIII will grant three prizes of 10.000 € to Health Research Institutes in Spain that have excelled in implementing the RRI principlesThe aim of the prize is to recognise, encourage, promote and disseminate best RRI institutional practice developed by Research Institutions on Health.

The Prize call will be opened on 2 January 2020 and is open to Spanish Health Research Institutes (Institutos de Investigación Sanitaria, IIS) that have developed significant institutional RRI activities during 2019. Three Prizes, in the form of a lump-sum amount of 10.000 € each, will be awarded to the three best proposals as assessed by the evaluators.


  • Pre-announcement: December 2019
  • Opening of the call: 2nd January 2020
  • Deadline of submission: 20th January 2020 (3 pm CEST)
  • Evaluation Phase: February - May 2020
  • Announcement of the winners: June 2020
  • Prize award ceremony: July 2020

For more information about the call please read the call document (in Spanish) and get in touch with Iris de San Pedro Botas at ISCIII. The Spanish version of this announcement can be found here

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