open science
Join our session "Lessons learned from a year of European Open Science training" at the Open Science FAIR on 16 September in Porto. The focus of this workshop will be sharing lessons learned from the ORION Open Science trainings to researchers, funders, and research managers across Europe.
Join the Live Chat with Dr Emma Harris, from the ORION Open Science Project, and Dr Ann Grand, from Wellcome Trust on 3 September at 11:00 CET. They will be discussing: How will Open Science impact research funders? Why is Open Science important and what does it involve? What can the people working for funding organisations do to promote Open Science?
Open Science concepts and tools have the potential to transform the current scientific system for the greater good of all, but what does it mean for you? How can you and your work benefit from the Open Science movement?
The ORION Training team will participate at the PhD retreat of the Helmholtz International Graduate School and the Helmholtz Graduate School of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). This retreat is traditionally organised from PhD students for PhD students and brings together students from all the different research areas of the DKFZ.
Open science is about making research more accessible and transparent for other researchers and for society as a whole. The public wants to be involved in the research - but do the researchers want it? If yes, how to make it happen and what are the challenges? This will be discussed in a seminar at the Almedalen Week in Visby, Sweden on 2 July.
Open Science concepts and tools have the potential to transform the current scientific system for the greater good of all, but what does it mean for you? How can you and your work benefit from the Open Science movement? These questions will be discussed at the "Open Science and your research" workshop in Ukraine.
The ORION project is launching a funding call for novel co-creation initiatives to open up research in life sciences and biomedicine. This call will provide funding of up to 100,000€ for a project that brings together a variety of different participants from across a range of sectors to co-create a new project or product based around life sciences research.
Open Science concepts and tools have the potential to transform the current scientific system for the greater good of all, but what does it mean for you? How can you and your work benefit from the Open Science movement? This lunchtime seminar at the Brain Tumor meeting in Berlin on 23 May will establish what Open Science is and why it is needed.
Open Science concepts and tools have the potential to transform the current scientific system for the greater good of all, but what does it mean for you? How can you and your work benefit from the Open Science movement? Welcome to an Open Science Workshop for researchers on 8 April at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).