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The ORION partner ISCIII will together with the Health Research Institute Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL) and International University Menendez Pelayo (UIMP) organise a course on "RRI in Spain and its model of incorporation in health research institutes" on 1-3 July in Santander, Península de la Magdalena.


On the occasion of the International Women's Day on 8 March, a Diversithon will take place at the Berlin Institute of Health on 7 March 2019. The Diversithon is a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon with the aim to increase the visibility of women scientists and other groups underrepresented in the life sciences. Join the event and meet Luiza Bengtsson and Emma Harris from the ORION Podcast.


How open is your research? Use our Open Science questionnaire

The questionnaire used in the online quantitative ORION Open Science self-assessment study is now available and free to use to support other research funding and performing organisations to carry out self-assessment activities. The study which examined the views and practices of Open Science in the ORION partner institutions was developed and carried out by the Centre for Research in Science and Mathematics Education (CRECIM).