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The annual Open Science conference arranged by the Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science, provides a unique forum for stakeholders to discuss the latest and future developments in Open Science. 

The ORION project was supposed to be showcased during the conference on 11-12 March by the ORION Training team of MDC. The presentation on 12 March "The Three Golden Rules of Open Science Training" was cancelled due to the closing of the conference. You can watch a recording of this presentation below:

  • 12 March 14.00-14.40 hrs "The Three Golden Rules of Open Science Training" 
    The ORION Open Science project has delivered nearly 40 different training workshops and events on Open Science for researchers and funders across Europe for over two years, and has recently created an online training course on Open Science in the Life Sciences. In this talk lessons learned from the training workshops will be presented and some of the key training methods will be shared.

For more information on the ORION Open Science Training, please get in touch with Emma, Luiza or Zoe in our training team at MDC in Berlin: ORION@MDC-BERLIN.DE
