Do you like gaming? Are you participating in the European Citizen Science Association, ECSA online conference 6-11 September? Don't miss the opportunity to get a glimpse of the new Genigma game on 9 September. The Genigma Citizen Science project is funded by ORION Open Science.
Genigma is a smartphone game to identify, in a collective way, which fragments of cancer genomes may play a significant role in the disease. Each player will analyze various small fragments of cancer cell DNA, that correspond to real data obtained in the lab from cancer cell lines. Players will receive scientific updates and they will collect pills of knowledge (cards) on genomics, cancer and open science.
At the Eposter session on 9 September at 17:30 in the E-poster session P13: Health I, the Genigma team will present #citizenscience as a new approach to build cancer-specific genomic references, essential to explore new medical treatments. For more information please see the ECSA conference programme. Participation in the ECSA conference is open to ECSA members only.
Do you want to become a genome explorer? Find out more about the Genigma game on the project website.