The online Living Knowledge Conference aims to bring together all those involved in doing or supporting research with and for communities. What can we learn from each other’s approaches? How can we collaborate? Which links have been forged and which could we still make? The ORION project will participate with a poster presentation on how to engage the public in Open Science.
The online festival brings together all those involved in doing or supporting research with and for communities. Presenters will share their efforts to co-create and share new knowledge for an inclusive, equitable, healthy and sustainable society.
The Living Knowledge Conference favour interaction over one-way presentations. You can expect ample time for discussions, workshops, and dilemma sessions. The conference will be useful to anybody who’s either interested in, supporting, facilitating, or doing community-driven, collaborative research. You will find a warm ‘community of practice’ with old and new friends awaiting you!
The ORION film poster presentation will showcase innovative methods and activities for public engagement in science that promote Open Science, i.e. arts & science, co-creation activities, public dialogues and citizen science projects.
For fore information about the Living Knowledge conference, please have a look at the event website and please register to the conference via this link.