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The aim with the ORION Open Science has been to explore ways in which research and funding organizations in life sciences and biomedicine can open up the way they fund, organize and do research. as well as to trigger evidence-based institutional, cultural and behavioural changes in Research Funding and Performing Organizations (RFPOs), targeting researchers, management staff and high-level leadership.

Our long-term vision is to “embed” Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) principles (ethics, gender, governance, open access, public engagement, and science education) in RFPOs, in their policies, practices and processes to organize and do research.

This list gives an overview of all of the ORION Open Science project deliverables describing each of the different activities and experiments performed to achieve the objectives. For more information about project activities see each of the published deliverables or the have a look at the ORION reports & papersinspiring stories and training materials.

