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Many researchers and funding bodies are aware of the concepts of Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation, RRI but going from awareness to actual application in daily research activities is a big step. For many, taking this step seems impossible due to real or perceived constraints of basic research or funding policies. To lower the threshold for application, we have provide training in RRI and Open Science concepts and tools across Europe, and shown how these can be applied in fundamental research and funding processes and decisions.

Map of OS workshops
Delivered Open Science workshops across Europe

The ORION project has also developed training content for researchers and professional staff at funding agencies and research performing organisations on RRI and Open Science concepts, practices and tools. All training materials are free to use and you will find our training materials here on or website or you can download the material from Zenodo.

ORION Open Science MOOC for the Life Sciences

The ORION Training has now gone digital, and you can read about the ORION MOOC for Open Science in the Life Sciences here. The MOOC consists of six easily digestible modules which explores different aspects of Open Science and allow researchers in life sciences to gain a certificate in Open Science. You can follow the self-paced MOOC course on the Open Learn Create platform.

ORION Open Science podcast

The ORION podcast covers every aspect of Open Science, from data sharing to citizen science and from peer review to professional development. The podcasts will explore the good, the bad, and the ugly of the current scientific system, and what Open Science practices can do to improve the way we do science.

logo of orion podcast


Listen to our ORION Open Science podcast now! 


More information

Get in touch with the training team at Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association if you would like to know more about Open Science training activities and materials:

The ORION Training team

Luiza BengtssonDr. Luiza Bengtsson, Public Engagement and Knowledge Exchange Officer, MDC

WP4 Leader for Training in ORION


Zoe IngramZoe Ingram, Education Specialist

WP4 Training Analysis


The Benefits of Open Science For You! The European Commission has pledged its support to improve accessibility and openness in science, but what does this mean for researchers?


The European Commission has pledged its support to improve accessibility and openness in science, but what does this mean for Research Funders? In this training session, organized by the ORION Open Science H2020 project, the concepts of Open Science will be explained and explored. This interactive workshop will allow participants...


Read an article about this event here . Luiza Bengtsson and Emma Harris have been accepted to do a meet-up session at Re:publica a large digital culture conference (9,000 attendees last year). ‘Doctor, Doctor, Where is my Digital Diagnosis?’ will be a collaboration with Prof. Uwe Ohler, a Systems Biologist...